Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Any UCCS Student, Faculty or Staff can enroll in Pedal Perks. There are two separate programs; one for UCCS employees (Faculty and Staff) and one for UCCS students.
- Schedule a visit to one of the two offices below to pick-up your RFID.
- Parking and Transportation Office - Gateway Garage - st-sus15@uccs.edu
- M-F, 8am-5pm
- Office of Sustainability - Sustainability Demonstration House - sustain@uccs.edu
- M-F, 8am-5pm
- Parking and Transportation Office - Gateway Garage - st-sus15@uccs.edu
- Go to Dero ZAP and create your profile including your specific RFID number.
- Locate the Dero ZAP stations at various gateways to campus
- Meadow Lane
- Stanton Road
- Regent Circle
- University Hall
- Eagle Rock
- Hop on your bike and get Zapped to earn incentives for commuting to campus!
Depending on that month's goal, you will be entered into a drawing for a prize. e.g.) seven participant names will be drawn for the month of November who burned 2,000+ calories.
No need to send anything to the administrators of the program.
Yes! You will be awarded at the beginning of the month for the month prior's biking activity. Have questions about your biking PIPs? Email sustain@uccs.edu
Dero ZAP is a bike counter program that Pedal Perks implemented in Fall 2016 to increase the ease of Pedal Perks participation funded by the Green Action Fund. The tamper-proof RFID that is placed on your spoke will keep track of how many times you've been zapped in a month along with the number of commuter miles. Dero ZAP stations are located at five entrances onto campus. You must bike past one station to be zapped for the day and to have your commute count towards the incentive program.
With the use of Dero ZAP as a bike counter to increase the ease of Pedal Perks participation, the only miles that will be calculated are the ones from your home to campus. Since the RFID will keep track of how many times you've been zapped in a month and the number of miles, there is no way to easily integrate leisure miles into the program. But don't let that stop you from getting out and riding!
Yes, this program will be completely different than tracking your own miles in BikeJournal. Your RFID will do all the work for you. When you sign up for Dero ZAP, you'll have access to your dashboard which will keep track of all your data for you and the program administrators.
https://www.derozap.com/ and then log-in on the upper, right-hand corner of the webpage with your email and password. You can also reach this website from the banner on the top of this page called 'ZAP Login'
It can take up to an hour and a half for the zap to be reflected on your calendar. If it's been longer than that amount of time, please email sustain@uccs.edu to troubleshoot.
Yes! Head to one of the two locations listed above for a new tag.
You'll need to get a new one attached. Head to one of the three locations listed above for a new tag.
No, you never have to re-register for Pedal Perks.
Keep it up! The drawings are random, but the odds are in your favor if you are repeatedly entered.
Dero ZAP utilizes a RFID tag, which stands for Radio Frequency Identification. This means it provides information (that you biked that day to campus) on a tag (attached to your spoke of your wheel) that emits a frequency that is only picked up within 25 feet of the Dero ZAP station. Dero ZAP is NOT a GPS tag, which stands for Global Positioning System. This means information cannot be collected if your tag is more than 25 feet from the Dero ZAP station. We cannot see that you are biking on a greenway trail, nor do we want to.
There are five ZAP stations on campus:
- University Hall
- Meadow Lane
- Regent Circle
- Stanton Road
- Eagle Rock
Check out the Campus Bike Resources tab for a map of each locations. Below are some photos.
Meadow Lane
| Regent Circle
Stanton Road
| University Hall
Contact S.O.L.E. at sole@uccs.edu, x7508, or the Sustainability Office at sustain@uccs.edu, x3089.