Pedal Perks

Pedal Perks

Pedal Perks


Pedal Perks is UCCS' bicycle commuter incentive program that promotes active transportation as a way of integrating wellness and sustainability into our everyday lives.

  • Decrease our carbon footprint
  • Increase our physical fitness
  • Improve our overall health and wellbeing

Pedal Perks is a way to help you maintain a regular bicycle commute. You will also be rewarded for being an active cyclist when you attend educational workshops, clinics, and events that will help keep you pedaling all year long.

Check out the FAQs before you sign-up.

Questions, comments, concerns? Contact the Sustainability Office at, x3089

This program was initially funded by Kaiser Permanente, UCCS Parking and Transportation Sustainable Transportation Fund and Campus Recreation with support from the Office of Sustainability and Department of Health Sciences. Additional funding was awarded by the UCCS Green Action Fund to procure the Dero ZAP bike counter infrastructure.